Sparks Software


SPARKS currently has the following software available to users.  Configuration of the environment required to run software can be applied by loading the appropriate module.
Environment Modules
The Environment Modules system provides for the dynamic modification of a user’s environment.

Common Module Commands

Command Description
module avail Lists all available modules
module list Lists all modules active for the current user shell
module load modulename Loads environment associated with modulename
module unload modulename Unload environment associated with module name



Name Version Module
Java 1.8.0 java/1.8.0
Gnu C, C++, Fortran 6.1.0 gcc/6.1.0
PHP 5.4.16  
Perl 5.16.3  
Intel C, C++, Fortran (2016) 16.0.4 intel/compiler/64/16.0.4/2016.4.258
Intel C, C++, Fortran (2017) 17.0.1 intel/compiler/64/2017/17.0.1


Name Description Version Module
R Statistical package 3.3.3 R/3.3.3
Octave Numerical computation package (Matlab compatible) 4.2.1 octave/4.2.1
RegCM Regional Climate Model System 4.6.0 RegCM/4.6.0
Quantum Espresso Nanoscale structure and materials modeling 6.1 qe/6.1
Abinit DFT calculations of energy and structures 8.2.2 abinit/8.2.2