Behaviour Management

Course Code: 

This course introduces students to basic principles in behaviour modification, and the procedures and methods used to understand, assess, and change behaviour problems.  Specifically, the course presents a survey of important behaviour modification procedures designed to overcome problems across a broad spectrum of human dysfunction (e.g. fears, simple phobias, test anxiety, school violence, self-esteem).  Additionally, the course is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills of how behaviour modification procedures have been applied in the field of developmental disabilities, education and special education, clinical psychology, community psychology, and self management.  Finally, the materials in the course examine important behaviour modification procedures applied in the area of prevention, including stress management, sexually transmitted diseases, emotional abuse, neglect, school violence, and drug use/misuse. 

Semester 1
Semester 2
PSYC2002 & PSYC2005
Sociology, Psychology and Social Work