FSS Staff Achievement for First Aid Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Training

Staff members Mrs Sandra Fagan, Ms Annandale  Walters, Ms Sue-Ann Edwards and Mr Odaine Williams

We at The Faculty of Social Sciences would like to congratulate Mrs Sandra Fagan, Ms Annandale Walters, Ms Sue-Ann Edwards and Mr Odaine Williams for completing the Certificate in First Aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Training. CPR is an essential life-saving operation. Persons who have CPR certification, can perform CPR swiftly and effectively. If someone is in need of medical attention, having this skill might be a matter of life or death in an emergency while waiting for emergency responders to arrive. CPR can save lives and lessen the potentially harmful effects.

Knowledge of CPR makes any environment safer including school, work or home. Given that our faculty is the largest on the Mona Campus it is our aim to have multiple persons with this skill in case of an emergency. Knowing that member of our staff have these skills should give comfort not only to our colleagues but also our amazing students and by extension their parents. We encourage all staff members and students to add this skill to their repertoire.

"For a faculty of our size, this First Aid & CPR training is very crucial and vital, and we should be happy & thankful to know that we have members of staff with these crucial skills. As far as we can, we must ensure that each department participates and work to certify others. " said FSS Dean Dr Heather Ricketts.

Big congratulations to Mrs Sandra Fagan, Ms Annandale Walters, Ms Sue-Ann Edwards and Mr Odaine Williams for their completion of this programme!

We at the Faculty of Social Sciences are extremely thankful to have such skilled colleagues.