
UWI scientists part of inter-disciplinary study exploring the Medical Beneficial Properties of Guinep


A University of the West Indies team of scientists and international collaborators have conducted an interdisciplinary study that found that there are potentially beneficial medicinal properties in a favorite Caribbean fruit - guinep. The study was published in the highly respected Nature Research Journal Scientific Reports.


Groundbreaking cancer research in safe hands

Dr Simone Badal

IT CAN NEVER be underestimated the impact a good teacher can have on many a student no matter the age. For Dr Simone Badal, a young pioneer in cancer research, one professor at The UWI piqued her interest in making medical research her life's mission.

Part of her groundbreaking medical research has been discovering that not enough has been done over the years to take an in-depth look at the effects of natural Jamaican ingredients to prevent and treat cancer among Afro-Caribbean populations.



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