Student Administrative Services Sections

The student Administrative Services Section is a “One Stop” location which offers several student administrative services from the Bursary. SASS functions as the liaison between students, faculties and other departments on campus with respect to student related financial and relevant administrative issues. In keeping with the strategic vision of the campus, SASS provides its services online, via the telephone, live chats as well as face to face, the primary focus of SASS includes the following:

• Preparation statement of accounts
• Preparation tuition letters
• Processing of Payment plan requests (Tuition and Residence)
• Processing of Housing and Tuition allocation requests
• Facilitate the processing of GATE applications
• Facilitate the processing of SLB Grant-in-aid requests
• Responding to a variety of queries/service needs relating to financial issues and minor registration issues
• Providing financial information to students.

Other general queries include:

Directing students to HR:

  1. For Health Card collection 
  2. ID card collection and/or renewal
  3. For booking Lysson’s beach, the UWI chapel, purchasing vehicle stickers
  4. To get to the Campus Registrar


Directing students to Examinations Section for:

  1. Transcript queries 
  2. Collecting a degree
  3. ID fine removal/queries


Finding out about the date for exams and all other non-financial examination queries.

SASS is located on the ground floor of the Annex building next to the Bursary Cashiers.