The UWI China Institute of Information Technology (UWICIIT), was formed through an agreement between The University of the West Indies (UWI) and the Suzhou Global Institute of Software Technology (GIST) and was officially opened in September of 2016. Both universities have come together to pave 'a silk road for education', linking China to the Caribbean and the rest of the western world.
The UWICIIT is the first institute of its kind in the hemisphere, which aims to foster collaboration between the Caribbean and China. It has the endorsements of regional governments, CARICOM and the Chinese Government.The Institute offers state-of-the-art software engineering training, development, research and services. It will have its main offices in Barbados, with additional sites across the Caribbean.
In the first instance, The UWICIIT offers a BSc Software Engineering programme with a major in Mobile Application Technologies.
The programme is offered as a 2+2 programme, with students spending the first two years at The University of the West Indies and the succeeding two years at GIST in China. Students then have an opportunity to complete a six-month, paid internship at an IT company in the Suzhou Industrial Park (the “Silicon Valley” of China).
While English is the primary language of instruction for the programme, Chinese language and cultural training are also provided as a part of the curriculum. Students completing the two years at GIST receive a GIST diploma in addition to The UWI degree.
This collaborative programme offered by The UWI and GIST is well aligned with the local, regional and international computing industries’ needs.