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Where can I go for academic advising?

During orientation week, each department offers academic advising at designated times and location. Refer to the Faculty’s Orientation Schedule of Activities for details. The dates and times for the Faculty’s orientation week of activities should be carefully observed.

Outside of orientation week, students may go to the departmental office responsible for their programme for academic advising.

Where should I go to check on the dates of my examinations?

Candidates are informed of the dates and times of written papers by means of the publications of the official examination timetable and also emails are sent to candidates. 

Candidates who are absent from examinations because of mis-reading of the timetable shall be liable to the normal penalties for absence from an examination and will have to await the next official sitting to take the examination. (Refer to Examination Regulations 2008-2009, Section V, 84-96).


I have missed an examination, what options are available to me?

You would normally be register again for the full course.  However, departments, upon being advised of the situation, have other discretionary options that may be applied. (Refer to the current issue of the Faculty Handbook, Exams Only Regulations 11.2.)

If you missed an examination for medical reasons, you should submit a signed medical certificate within seven days to the Examination Section of the Registry. (Refer to Examination Regulations, Section II, 17-32)


I am a part-time student. However some of my classes are held in morning, why is this so?

Part-time in the Faculty is defined by a student’s work load per semester and does not mean evening studies.  While some Level I courses are offered in the evening, the majority of the courses at Levels II and III are taught during the day only.  Thus, students registered part-time must be prepared to attend classes between 8am and 5pm. 

If the same course is required for both my major and minor, what should I do?

You will not normally be credited for the same course twice.  Please seek guidance from your department regarding a replacement course.

How do I know which courses I am exempted from?

A student who has obtained Grades I-IV in the following CAPE subjects may receive exemptions without credit for the corresponding UWI-Level 1 courses: 


CAPE Subjects                                               UWI Level 1 Courses

Accounting Unit 1                                          Financial Accounting

Accounting Unit 2                                          Introduction to Cost and Management Accounting

Caribbean Studies                                           Caribbean Civilisation

What is the difference between exemptions with and without credit?

Exemptions (without credit) are applied to pre-selected University level one courses for registered students in the Faculty who obtained a grade one (I) through to grade four (IV) in certain CAPE subjects.    

Exemptions with credit means that credits will not be granted. In these cases, students must replace the subjects done at CAPE with other courses approved by the Department.


Where do I go to apply for exemptions?

Application for exemptions must be made through the Faculty Office via the Automated Student Request Module (ASRM) via SAS.

Will I be able to add or drop a course after the registration deadline has passed?

Registration after the normal registration period may be permitted in exceptional circumstances.

Application to add or drop a course may be made through the Faculty Office via the Automated Student Request System (ASRS) via   Late registration attracts a penalty.


How do I know when the registration process is complete?

Registration is usually complete when:

Courses are selected/adjusted “none requiring overrides”

Financial clearance is obtained

Registrar’s approval is granted

Student is in possession of a valid UWI identification card

Financial clearance is normally granted within two (2) working days after the payment of fees. Registrars Approval will be granted on the receipt of Financial Clearance.


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