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Gov’t’s stimulus will not be enough, says Haughton

Economist and senator Dr André Haughton says the Government's COVID-19 care packages will not be sufficient to address the fallout from the pandemic, should the spread of the deadly virus continue throughout the summer into the end of the calendar year.

Nadine McCloud-Rose And Peter-John Gordon | Learning In Isolation

THE CURRENT COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the operations of our schools, with classes currently delivered in a 'distance mode' in which pupils stay at home. A distance mode is not the same as simple homeschooling, in which the entire educational process occurs outside of a formal school. There is, however, an overlap between elements of the homeschooling and distance modes.

Briefing | Debt, Exchange Rate And The Fourth Industrial Revolution


Total public debt at the end of the fiscal year 2018-19 was an estimated $1.961 trillion, an increase of $8.9 billion when compared to $1.9521 trillion at the end of the fiscal year 2017-2018. Of the total, 61 percent is foreign or external debt, while the remaining 39 percent is central government domestic debt and main public bodies.

Briefing | Tax Give-Back Could Stimulate Economic Growth

Last year, the Government announced no new taxes. This year, the administration set out a series of reforms that will give back $14 billion to the country through various ­avenues, including:

Briefing | Jamaica’s Economy Performing On Face Value 2018

How Is The Inflation Rate?

Briefing | Sports Integral To Community Integration And Development

Why Sports?

When I was a boy, we played Under-17 and Under-20 football competitions sponsored and organized by the Social Development Commission (SDC). Others played basketball, while the females participated in netball.

Mt Salem won the

St James parish finals but finished third place in the all-island under-20 football competition.

Why Is This Significant?

Briefing | Jamaica Falls 5 Places On World Doing Business Report 2019

Jamaica's rank has fallen consecutively over the past years, from 65th in 2016 to 67th in 2017, to 70th in 2018, and now to 75th in the 2019 Doing Business Report. The rank has fallen despite Jamaica's index value increasing by 20 basis points, from 67.27 in 2018 to 67.47.

Briefing | Ways To Finance MSME’s

Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) contribute to economic growth similar to multinational corporations even though they are small in size.

Things Jamaican, A Vision Of Edward Seaga Derailed By Politics

In 1963, just after Jamaica received Independence, there was a need to intertwine the Jamaican culture with a meaningful enterprise. The Government established a company called "Things Jamaican" to produce and supply to a global market place things that were made in Jamaican.

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