Faculty of Law
MonaLaw is committed to providing continuing legal education and professional development through seminars and symposia. Our annual conference attracts a wide cross-section of the legal profession and the public and they are usually attended by over a hundred persons, including members of the private bar, the public bar, government, academia and the judiciary. The 9th staging of the symposium was held as a hybrid event (online and in-person) from June 24-25, 2023, at the Jamaica Pegasus hotel.
The Symposium featured panels dealing with the Regulation of Financial Services; Emerging Copyright Issues; Jamaica – Towards a Republic; Global Health; AML/CFT Obligations - International Financial Services and Proceeds of Crime, with presenters from Jamaica, The Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands, United Kingdom, Bahamas, Barbados, Switzerland, Norway and the United States of America. The sessions encapsulated the theme ‘Vision 2030 – Towards Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions’ with keynote speech by Mr. Bruce Golding, former Prime Minister of Jamaica.
The Faculty extends a special thank you to our generous sponsors who ensured the smooth running of the programme: Stewarts Auto (official dealer of Mercedes Benz Jamaica) Nationwide News Network, Aeronautical School of the West Indies, EduCom Co-operative, UWI Press Lasco, Wisynco, National Baking Company, The Jamaica Pegasus, Vision2030, The UWI Bookshop and Codwell Bankers.