Faculty of Law
The Faculty of Law (“MonaLaw”) hosted its Undergraduate Faculty Awards Ceremony for the recognition of outstanding students in academia and co-curricular activities on Monday, November 6, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. in Lecture Theatre 2 of the Faculty of Law, The UWI.
This event is not only an important activity for the Faculty of Law but also for The University of the West Indies (UWI) which is engaging in a year-long celebration of The University’s legacy of “75 years of service, with its mantra Rooted Ready Rising.
Myers Fletcher and Gordon Attorneys-at-Law, as a part of MonaLaw’s celebration of this important milestone anniversary sponsored our Awards Ceremony for 2023 by presenting two prizes annually (which they did for the previous five years (2018-2022) as follows:
The Monalaw Alumni Society, represented by its president, Tameka Bryce and Alexander Shaw committed to sponsor annually one tenth of tuition of the recipient of the Alumni Award.
The Awards Ceremony attracted the UWI senior management team, with the Principal and Pro Vice Chancellor, Professor Densil Williams bringing greetings. Also present were members of the judiciary and the bar, staff and students of the Faculty.
The Annual Student Award Ceremony recognizes outstanding MonaLaw students in academia and out-of-classroom learning experiences. Its sixth staging was held on Monday, November 6, 2023 and saw 58 students receiving the following awards:
Top LLB student, Keren Dawson (left) and Top LLM student, Craig Jacas (right) are presented awards by the Interim Dean, Dr Christopher Malcolm
The Principal and Pro Vice Chancellor, Densil Williams, brought greetings and the Interim Dean, Christopher Malcolm delivered the Welcome.
The event was chaired by Deputy Dean, Undergraduate Studies and Student Success, Dr. Coleen B. Lewis, along with Mona Law Society President, Saevion McFadden.
Entertainment was provided by Lehanna Satchell and Sean Vascianne.
Sean Vasciannie, Third Year Student and Mona Law Society Legal Education Officer (left) and Lehanna Satchell, Third Year Student (right)
Keren Dawson, the top LLB student who copped 7 awards, delivered the response on behalf of her fellow awardees.
Keren Dawson, MonaLaw Alumna, addresses the awardees.
The Vote of thanks were expressed by Ms Wendy-Ann Ivey, Miss Law & Mr Maleke Bennett, Mr Law 2023/2024.
Wendy-Ann Ivey, Miss Law and Maleke Bennett, Mr Law give the vote of thanks.
The UWI Museum mounted a temporary display in commemoration of the UWI’s 75th anniversary.
Sponsors include Foga Daley Attorneys at Law, Myers, Fletcher and Gordon, Grant Henry Rhooms Attorneys at Law, Knight Junior Samuels Attorneys at Law and Notaries Public, Hylton Powell Attorneys at Law, Wisynco, Yummy Bakery and Honey Bun Bakery.
MonaLaw thanks Foga Daley Attorneys-at-Law who have graciously agreed to be a Silver Sponsor for the 6th Annual Faculty Awards Ceremony.
A reception followed the ceremony in the courtyard.