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International db

Science Direct

ScienceDirect is the world's leading source for scientific, technical, and medical full text research.

Database: Medical: 
Database: Science: 
Type of Database: 

Biomed Central

Biomed Central is primarily an electronic publishing platform for scientists, but also provides open access to the journals published by BIOMED.

Database: Medical: 
Type of Database: 

IEEE All-Society Periodicals

IEEE All-Society Periodicals Package (UWI only) provides access to the IEEE's core collection of over 120 engineering, electronics, and computer science periodicals. This package does not include the full text of conference proceedings, IEEE standards and IET journals. Full text of transactions starts from 1998.

Database: Science: 
Type of Database: 


HINARI provides access to the major journals in biomedical and related social sciences. Requires user name and password. Please contact the Main Library or Medical or Science Branch Libraries. N.B as of Jan 2014 Hinari requires that users logon twice.

Database: Medical: 
Database: Science: 
Type of Database: 

Data Metallogenica

Data Metallogenica is the world’s newest, most comprehensive and representative repository of information on the world’s ore deposits. Access is via password only. Please get password from Science Branch Librarian.

Faculty Database: 
Type of Database: 


JSTOR offers both multidisciplinary and discipline-specific collections. The UWI library has access to the Arts & Sciences I, Arts & Sciences II, Business, and Language & Literature Collections.

Faculty Database: 
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EbscoHost Research Databases

EbscoHost Research Databases (UWI only) provides access to numerous databases

Type of Database: 

CommonLII: Commonwealth Legal Information Institute

CommonLII: Commonwealth Legal Information Institute include databases from 59 Commonwealth and common law countries and territories via the Free Access to Law Movement

Faculty Database: 
Type of Database: 

Association for Computing Machinery

The ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) Digital Library  - This is a vast collection of citations and full text from ACM journal and newsletter articles and conference proceedings

Type of Database: 


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