Inaugural Lecture: UWI/George Willie Lecture series

Event Date: 
Jun 24 2013 - 6:00pm

The inaugural lecture in the newly established "UWI/George Willie Lecture series will be addressed by Harvard law professor Charles Ogletree who is known for mentoring United States President, Barrack Obama since his days in Law School.
A prominent legal theorist, Ogletree is internationally recognized for taking a hard look at complex issues of law and for working to secure the rights guaranteed by the Constitution for everyone, regardless of gender, class or color. He is the founding director of the Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice at Harvard, where he taught both Barack and Michelle Obama.

Faculty of Law building, Lecture Room 2
Target Audience: 
Target Audience: 
Target Audience: 
General Public
Event Image: 
Contact Information
Janelle Brown, Mona School of Business and Management (MSBM)
977 6035, 927 2666

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