The 35th Annual Elsa Goveia Memorial Lecture
Title of Event: “Human Beings and Baobab and Tamarind Trees in the Caribbean: Ethnographic, Historical and Evolutionary Perspectives on an Ancient African Mimetic Complex”
About the Event: The annual Elsa Goveia Memorial Lecture, first held at Mona in 1984, honours the memory of the distinguished West Indian Historian, Elsa Vesta Goveia (1925-1980).
Born in British Guiana, Elsa Goveia took her PhD in History at University College, London. In 1950 she joined the Department of History, the University College of the West Indies, Mona as Lecturer in History, and in 1961 was promoted to the rank of Professor of West Indian History at the age of 36 years.
With that promotion she became the first female Professor in the University of the West Indies, and at her death in 1980, was the longest serving West Indian Professor. Her major published works include the influential A Study of the Historiography of the British West Indies to the End of the Nineteenth Century (1957), and Slave Society in the British Leeward Islands at the End of the Eighteenth Century (1965).

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