Growth Inducement Strategy Public Seminar

“Growth Inducement Strategy: A Critical Analysis” is the topic of the public seminar being organized by Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies (SALISES) in collaboration with the Department of Economics at UWI, Mona and the Private Sector Organization of Jamaica (PIOJ). The seminar is scheduled to take place on Thursday, September 29 at 8:45 am at the Mona Visitors’ Lodge and Conference Centre at UWI, Mona. On this occasion the PIOJ will officially present the recently published strategy for the growth of the Jamaican economy.
The seminar is part of an on-going series of SALISES’ Fifty/ Fifty conferences leading up to its major conference in August 2012. The Fifty/ Fifty Series is themed “Fifty-Fifty: Critical Reflections in a Time of Uncertainty” and seeks to assess the 50 years of post independence experience of development in Jamaica and the wider Caribbean.
The university community and the public are invited to participate in the seminar. A special invitation is extended to persons from secondary and tertiary institutions. For more information interested persons may telephone 927-1234. Additional information of the 50/50 Conference is available at