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Special Production of PECONG at PSCCA

In May, the Philip Sherlock Centre for the Creative Arts’ 35th Anniversary celebrations will focus on Theatre when PSCCA hosts a special production of the play PECONG by Steve Carter, American playwright whose mother was Trinidadian. PECONG is set in the earlier days of Carnival when this slanging-match/contest between leading Calypsonians was the highlight. It retells the legend of Medea and her lover, Jason of the Argonauts, on whom she wreaked vengeance when he deserted her. Medea has become the universal symbol of a woman scorned.

The play is filled with music and broad comedy to coat the pill. It is not recommended for children. Directed by Norman Rae who over the years, has been intimately connected with the staging of important works at PSCCA, PECONG is very much in keeping with the vision of earlier theatre practitioners at the UWI. The cast includes Bertina Macaulay, Quinton Yearde, Carol Lawes, Grace McGhie, Joan Belfon, David Ashley, Jodi HoLung and Damion Radcliffe. PECONG opens May 8 and plays Thursdays to Saturdays 8 p.m., Sundays at 6 p.m. until June 1. For ticket information, please phone 929-1161/2. Tickets are on sale at the Jamaica Pegasus Gift Shop.

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