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"Molecular characterization of geminiviruses affecting vegetables and other crops"

Principal Investigators: Dr. Marcia Roye, Dr. Wayne McLaughlin

To date, ten whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses from Jamaica have been characterized including geminiviruses infecting crops such as, tomatoes, pepper and cabbage. It was found that the geminiviruses infecting crops and weeds from Jamaica are distinct and there is one common weed virus that also infects cabbage. Projects will continue to look for new viruses infecting crops and weeds and to fully characterise the geminiviruses which have been, so far, partially characteris

"Molecular investigations of recombination among crop- and weed-infecting geminiviruses from Jamaica"

Principal Investigators: Dr. Marcia Roye, Dr. Wayne McLaughlin

The aim is to find the evolution of geminiviruses in Jamaica. Investigations reveal that the weed virus which infects cabbage has recombined with the cabbage infecting virus resulting in three distinct geminiviruses infecting the cabbage. Our project will further investigate the recombination among the viruses infecting cabbage.

Bioengineering Caribbean Yams: Production of high yielding yam planting materials for farmers' use

Principal Investigators: Prof. Helen Asemota, Dr. Andrew Wheatley

The project is aimed at using in vitro techniques and gene technology to identify and produce high yielding yam planting materials for commercial purposes. To date the group has completed the preliminary work including initiation, establishment, multiplication and acclimatization of a number of yam cultivars.

Molecular characterization of viruses affecting fruit and vegetable crops

Principal Investigators: Prof. Paula Tennant

The primary objective of the research is to perform comprehensive assessments of the genetic diversity and structure of virus populations affecting economically important fruit and vegetable crops. Work with papaya ringspot virus has shown that the virus collected over a five year period share lower similarities, and appear to be changing at rates different than those reported in other coutnries, presumably because of introductions, movement of plant materials and geographical isolation.

Medicinal Plants Research

Principal Investigators: Dr. Sylvia Mitchell

This project is aimed at obtaining the sustainable economic utilization of medicinal plants growing in Jamaica.

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