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Mona Academic Conference
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Abstracts for
August 31 , 2003
Women and Development Studies....
Shifting Centres and Moving Margins.....
Gender Studies: Interdisciplinary ......
Constructing Feminist Knowledge....
Gender, Information Technology......
Shifting, Dismantling, Erecting ......
A Different Imagination
Documentary Film
Reflections in the Looking Glass...
"Not without meh man"
Mirror Mirror: A feminist examination.....
Ambivalent aspirations: Assertion .....
Gender and HIV/AIDS in the Caribbean: ....
Governance, Leadership
& Decision Making.....

Constitutional Reform in the Caribbean

The Caribbean Experience.....
When the Post-Colonial State Bureaucratizes.....
Feminisms, Gender Studies, Activism....
“Not without meh man”. Notes towards the creation of
A 21st Century Caribbean feminist epistemology.


Feminist theorists have argued that a single category of ‘woman’ does not exist. This assertion has been based on the diversity of aims, aspirations and methodologies that the subject group ‘woman’ has demonstrated in its quest for the attainment of a ‘post-patriarchal’ society. Within this context Caribbean women, as a group, possess legitimate claim for their own methodological insights for the attainment of this shared ‘post-patriarchal’ goal. This claim must find proper embodiment within a theoretical framework that not only acknowledges the differences of the Caribbean context, but which also shapes these differences into a usable praxis for transformation. It is within this exciting context that this paper locates itself.

It will argue that based on a reflection of the peculiar Caribbean situation, the embodiment of a transformational feminist epistemology will integrate the Caribbean male within its program. Such an inclusion (following on from the lead of theorists like bell hooks), will emphasis a ‘non-sexist’ rather than ‘non-male’ transformational approach for the region. This inclusion of males will be at two levels. Firstly, and as the region has constantly displayed, males will continue to be a necessary part of familial and social relationships and institutions. Secondly, and as a result of theory being rooted within reality, the emergent feminist theorising for the region will take on board males as theorist co-operating to bring their different insights into the dialect of Caribbean life as non-sexed feminists strive together, for the establishment of the non-sexist regional order. Collectively then “Not without meh man” is a projection of some aspects of how the region’s feminist theorising will proceed as it struggles to highlight firstly, the laudable differences of the regions’ women and, secondly, the role of men within the peculiar formulation of any regional feminist ideology.


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