About us
The Marlene Hamilton Hall is a Post Graduate Residential complex located along the south Eastern edge of the UWI Mona Campus. It House 400 students. The Hall contains 4 six story Blocks with 100 self-contained flats. Each Block has two (2) super studios on each floor.
The hall began receiving residents on Block A in September 2012.
Constructed of reinforced, textured concrete, this complex has ushered in the new concept of maximizing vertical space to create housing solutions on the Mona Campus.
The Marlene Hamilton Hall is named for Marlene Hamilton, Professor Emeritus of Educational Psychology. Professor Hamilton served respectively as Deputy Principal, Pro Vice-Chancellor for undergraduate Studies, Pro Vice-Chancellor for student and Alumni Relations, Pro Vice-Chancellor administration and Special Initiatives. She also supervised and nurtured some thirty six Masters and Doctorial theses to completion. Marlene Hamilton, demonstrated a genuine flair for organization and an unsurpassable loyalty and sense of duty to the University's students and Staff and its first constituency, the people of the Caribbean.