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Opening Ceremony

Day Two
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Plenary Session
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Day 2 - Panel 1
August 30th 2003

Pushing the Boundaries: Redefining Masculinities & Femininities

11:00am - 1:00pm

1: 00pm-2:00pm




Prof. Bridget Brereton(UWI, St. Augustine):

Prof. Verene Shepherd (UWI,Mona):
Gender, History Education and Development in Jamaica

Dr. Jeanette Morris:(UWI, St. Augustine):
Gender and Schooling: Implications for Teacher Education

Prof. Errol Miller(UWI, Mona):
The Male Marginialisation Thesis Revisited

Dr. Mark Figueroa(UWI, Mona):
Challenging Gender Privileging: A Caribbean Experience

Prof. Wilma Bailey(UWI, Mona): 
Fatherhood in Risk Environments

Prof. Christine Barrow(UWI,  Cave Hill)
Men and Women in Love, Marriage and Divorce:
A Changing Conjugalaity in Barbados

Lunch Break

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