Prof. Alvaro Taviera

Prof. Alvaro Taviera photoDr. Alvaro D. Taveira is a Professor and the Chair of the Department of Occupational & Environmental Safety & Health at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. He is a Certified Professional Ergonomist by the Board of Certified Professional Ergonomics.

Dr. Taveira holds a PhD in Industrial Engineering with an emphasis on Human Factors/Ergonomics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He holds a MS degree in Industrial Engineering, with an emphasis in Ergonomics/Product Design, and a BS degree in Mechanical Engineering.

Professor Taveira has over twenty years of professional experience in the fields of Human Factors/Ergonomics and Safety as a college professor, researcher, and consultant. He has conducted research projects in multiple work environments including agriculture, steel production, mining, railroading, and office settings. Professor Taveira has over 50 peer reviewed publications and has made multiple presentations at national and international conferences. His teaching experience comprises graduate and undergraduate courses in Product Safety, Human Factors/Ergonomics, Behavioral Aspects of Accident Prevention, and in a number of safety related courses. He is a member of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, and of the American Society of Safety Engineers.


Page last updated: 2008-10-01