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Electronics Engineering

A degree in Electronics Engineering requires that all level 1 courses listed below be completed (passed), and the compulsory courses in level 3, as well as the pre-requisites for the option chosen for the degree; either Telecommunications or Industrial Implementation

Note: The letter ‘E’ or ‘C’ preceding the credit allocation indicates Examination by written papers or by course work, respectively.


Semester 1      (16 Credits)                                                                                 

ECNG 1000    Electrical Circuits                                                        E 3

ECNG 1009    Introduction to Programming                                  C 3

ECNG 1012    Engineering Science and Technology                      C 4

MATH 1180   Engineering Mathematics 1                                        E 3

FOUN 1001    English for academic Purposes                                 E 3


Semester 2      (16 Credits)    

ENGR 1000    Introduction to Engineering                                       E 3

ELET 1400     Introduction to Electronics                                        E3

ELET 1405     Practices in basic Electronics                                    C/E 3

ELNG 1101    Physics for Engineers                                                    E3

COMP 2160    Object Oriented Programming                                  E4

Note: The other Foundation Courses may be taken at any time during the undergraduate course of study.


Semester 1      (15 Credits)             

ELET 2405     Practices in Electronics 1                                          C3

ELET 2430     Digital Circuits and Microprocessors                     E3

ELET 2450     Embedded Systems                                                    E3

ELET 2460     Signals and Systems                                                   E3

MATH 2230   Engineering Mathematics 2                                     E3


Semester 2      (15 Credits)                                                                                       

ELET 2415     Practices in Electronics 2                                            C3

ELET 2410     Analysis and Design of Analogue Circuits               E3

ELET 2420     Semiconductor Devices                                              E3

ELET 2480     Modern Communications                                           E3

ECNG 2009    Control Systems                                                            E3

Summer Apprenticeship Internship in Approved Industry (between Level 2 and Level 3)

Summer Apprenticeship is meant to expose students to the practical applications of the concepts learnt in classes and is expected to be a source of motivation and inspiration.  It also provides an opportunity to identify potential projects.

LEVEL 3       (35 credits)

Students taking Level 3 courses must

1.      Register for all courses listed as compulsory and core (for chosen option).

2.      Select one of the following options: Telecommunications or Industrial Instrumentation



YEAR-LONG           (6 Credits)

ELNG 3010    Special Project                                                            C6

One Semester (11 Credits)

ECNG 3021    Introduction to Engineering Management            E4

               and Accounting Systems

MGMG3136   New Venture Creation and Entrepreneurship       E3

PHYS3385      Electromagnetism                                                       E4


Core Courses(12 credits)

Option 1:         Telecommunications

ELET 3480     Wireless Communication Systems                        E3                 

ELET 3470     Wave Transmission and propagation                   E 3

ELNG 3050    Broadband Networks                                                E3

ELNG3015     Practical Analysis of Telecommunication           C 3

           Circuits and Systems

Option 2:         Industrial Instrumentation

ELET 3412     Instrumentation and Measurements                            E 3

ELNG 3030    Power Electronics and Protection Circuits                 E 3

ELNG 3040    Industrial Automation                                                     E 3

ELNG 3025    Practical Analysis of Industrial Controllers                C 3


Electives         (6 credits)

Choose any two of the following:

ELET 3485     Introduction to Robotics                                             E 3

ECNG 3016    Advanced Digital Electronics                                      E3

ELET 3460     Digital Signal Processing                                              E3

ELNG 3060    Power Plant Instrumentation                                      E 3

ECNG 3028    Introduction to Process Control                                 E3

ELET 3450     Satellite Communication & Global

                Navigation Satellite Systems                                    E3

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