Change from Within: An Approach to the Challenges in Education
Change From Within Programme Started in 1994. Its Primary Objective was to build self-esteem among all stakeholders, thereby reducing anti-social behaviours and fostering school involvement.
The project involves selected schools across Jamaica. The activities include:
• Professional development workshops to assist teachers and administrators to improve leadership skills.
• Mentorship programme that involves teachers mentoring students, teachers mentoring teachers and students mentoring students.
• Identifying students interests and use it to motivate them to participate in different activities.
• Circle of friends to share experiences, ideas and to identify strategies to improve leadership skills.
The initiative was implemented by the University of the West Indies, School of Education , Faculty of Humanities and Education, Mona Campus as well as the Guidance Counselling Unit of the Ministry of Education (Change From Within Project).
The selected schools in their own different ways tackled the problems by a methodology which
1. Sought to arouse the interest of the students.
We sought to answer the question: What are the things to which youngsters in schools attach meaning and significance?
The areas of sports and the performing arts were identified as areas in which the children comfortably expressed themselves and from which they derived pleasure.
2. Demonstrated how the performances in these areas of self-expression could be improved, through self-discipline and self-motivation.
3. Transferred this self-discipline and self-motivation in sports and in the performing arts into the academic sphere, into their social interaction, into all aspects of their lives.
4. Built trust as a means of reinforcing commitment to the institution, respect for self and for others, and a sense that the school belonged to the students, so that they would have the responsibility to ensure that the institution was a disciplined, learning, and caring environment.
5. As a final component of this methodology, a partnership was created between schools, parents, and communities. As the children developed a sense of pride in their achievements, new-found self-esteem, a sense of responsibility, then parents and communities began to form alliances with the schools.