Multi-grade Teaching - A Review of Research and Practice

Multi-grade teaching refers to the teaching of students of different ages, grades and abilities in the same group. It is referred to variously in the literature as 'multilevel', 'multiple class', 'composite class', 'vertical group ‘,’ family classes, and, in the case of one-teacher schools, 'unitary schools'. It is to be distinguished from mono-grade teaching in which students within the same grade are assumed to be more similar in terms of age and ability. However, substantial variation in ability within a grade often leads to "mixed-ability" teaching. There can also be wide variations in age within the same grade, especially in developing countries, where the age of entry to school varies and where grade repetition is common. This condition of "multi-age-within-grade" teaching appears not to have generated such universal recognition, perhaps because it occurs more often in developing than in developed countries.

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