This manual was created by theJjamaica's Ministry of Education to guide schools to respond to a wide range of critical incidences and includes prevention as well as response strategies.Violence and aggression continue to be the major causes of trauma within some schools, as a small, yet significant number of students become involved in gang rivalry; drug trafficking, drug use, drug abuse and fights, sometimes with deadly weapons. These incidents usually result in violent acts that are sometimes fatal, affecting the entire school community and causing major disruptions. Sometimes too, trauma results from unplanned events and accidents happening in and around the school compound.In the late 90’s, the Guidance & Counselling Unit designed and carried out a Violence Frequency Survey, as well as monitored the use of a critical incident register in 250 schools across the island. The results of these two initiatives pointed to the fact that the critical incidents were on the rise and thus required a multidisciplinary approach in addressing them. As a result, strategies were employed to lessen the impact of these incidents on the school community. These strategies included training workshops for guidance counsellors and otherschool personnel, the development of multi-disciplinary critical incident management team atthe school level, and trauma response teams within the regions.The Ministry of Education continues to collaborate with government agencies as well as nongovernmentalorganisations in implementing school-based initiatives aimed at developing a peaceful and safe school environment. Current peace initiatives being implemented in schools islandwide include the Change from Within Programme, the Pathways to Peace Programme, Peace and Love in Society (PALS), and the Safe Schools Programme.Purpose of the ManualThe purpose of the Guidelines for Developing a Critical Incidents Management Plan for a Safe School Environment is to help schools:1. Foster and create a safe school climate.2. Manage crises effectively by use of a predetermined plan of action.3. Take swift action in the event of a critical incident.4. Minimise panic and confusion by preparing guidelines that will ensure safety andsecurity.5. Establish and maintain a critical incident management team.