General Area of Academic Specialization
Decision Sciences - Quantitative Methods, Managerial Statistics, Operations Management
Academic Unit
Decision Sciences & Information Systems
Mona School of Business and Management (South)
(876) 977-3775 or (876) 881-8378
Lawrence Nicholson is a Senior Lecturer in the Mona School of Business and Management (MSBM), at The University of the West Indies, Mona. He teaches Decision Science courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
His research interests include supply chain management, yield management and family and women-owned businesses.
He is actively involved in both services internal and external to The University of the West Indies. These include member of the Campus Appointments Committees for both Mona and the Five-Islands, Chairman of Broadcast Services (Television and Radio) and Deputy Chairman of the corporate Board for the RJRGleaner Communications Group.
Some Research Highlights:
- Nicholson, Lawrence and Lashley, Johnathan. 2016. Understanding the Caribbean Enterprise - Insights from MSMEs and Family Owned Businesses. Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN: 978-1-349-94878-9 for the print copy and 978-1-349-94879-6 for the ebook.
Journal Articles
- Nicholson, Lawrence and Rao-Graham, Lila. 2016. Knowledge Management Systems for Small Family-Owned Businesses – The Case of the English-speaking Caribbean. Social and Economic Studies, 65 (2 & 3): 133-159.
- Nicholson, Lawrence. 2015. Family-owned Businesses – The Seat of Entrepreneurship: The Case of Three English-Speaking Caribbean Countries. Journal of Eastern Caribbean Studies, 40 (2), 1-26.
- Nicholson, Lawrence. 2010. Jamaica Family-Owned Businesses: Homogeneous or Non-Homogeneous? Social and Economic Studies 59 (3): 7-29.
- Nicholson, Lawrence; Vakharia, Asoo, J; Erenguc, S. Selcuk. 2004. Outsourcing Inventory Management Decisions: Models and Application. European Journal of Operational Research 154 (1): 271-290.
- Haughton, Michael, A.; Crick, Anne, P.; Moore, Stanford, E; and Nicholson, Lawrence, A. 2003. A methodology for improved synergy between the classroom and management practices. Education and Training Journal 45 (1): 30-44.
- Nicholson, Lawrence. 2002. Improving Inventory Management in Healthcare Systems. Social and Economic Studies 51 (3): 65-103.
Undergraduate Courses
- MGMT2012: Introduction to Quantitative Methods
- MGMT3057: Productivity and Quality Management Techniques
Graduate Courses
- SBCO6160: Operations Management
- SBCO6520: Quantitative Methods and Statistical Techniques
- 2019, Book recognised by Jamaica Stock Exchange in the Bell Ringing Ceremony to signal the opening of the Day’s trading.
- 2017, Principal’s Research Day Award for Best Research Publication (FSS) for Book: Understanding the Caribbean Enterprise: Insights from MSMEs and Family Owned Businesses.
- 2011, UWI-NIF (Principal’s Office) to conduct research on Caribbean Family Business – Their Voices on Strategic and Entrepreneurial Imperatives.
- 2006, UWI-NIF (Principal’s Office) to conduct research on Yield Management and Jamaica’s Hotel Industry.