Educational Equity Centre for Educational Development

Merle Froschl and Barbara Sprung
April 6, 2005

This is a report based on a meeting among researchers and educators that examined boys’ development and school performance, and sought to create an action plan to focus national attention on the well being of boys in school and in society. The report highlights the research and experiences of participants. It is noted that teachers and parents felt constrained by the current climate that included a mandated curriculum and ‘highstakes’ testing, which begins at grade four. The group recognized that boys were informed very early via socialization practices that they are to operate within a limited definition of masculinity that has serious repercussions if violated. Thus it is emphasized that interventions must be done early. It was noted that boys were treated as problems in schools and that there was an over-representation of them in special education, which may be because of various reasons including disciplinary issues. The group emphasized the importance of relational learning to the development of a learning community and the negative effect that the top down, test – driven and standardized environment has on it. It was agreed that teacher education programmes needed to do a better job of building teachers’ awareness of the importance of the relational aspects of their work and helping them to form positive relationships with students. As a result of this meeting, a “two prong strategy” was recommended which involved the creation of a research action agenda and a broad communication campaign.

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