McKinsey and Company

McKinsey and Company
January 1, 2007

There are many different ways to improve a school system, and the complexity of this task and the uncertainty about outcomes is rightly reflected in the international debate about how this should best be done. To find out why some schools succeed where others do not, we studied twenty-five of the world’s school systems, including ten of the top performers. We examined what these high-performing school systems have in common and what tools they use to improve student outcomes.

The experiences of these top school systems suggests that three things matter most:

1) getting the right people to become teachers,

2) developing them into effective instructors and,

3) ensuring that the system is able to deliver the best possible instruction for every child.

Mona Mourshed
December 1, 2010

In 2010, McKinsey and Comapny published a report that focused on mapping the journeys of 20 of the best improving education systems world wide. They were selected because they "achieved significant, sustained and widespread gains in student outcomes from 1980 onwards". Quantitative data were reviewed from these systems and over 200 system leaders were interviewed, which resulted in the identification of 575 reform interventions. The report noted that "while the context does influence the emphasis and combination of interventions the system chooses from within this cluster, the intervention pattern is strikingly consistent for systems pursuing similar outcomes" (Mourshed, Chijioke and Barber, 2010, p. 24).

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