Training Materials

Centre for International Development and Training
May 25, 2004

An effective School Improvement Plan is one that is implemented and leads to improvement in the achievement of the school community. No matter how good the plan looks, if it is not acted upon it will have no impact on the school community.

The process of School Improvement Planning promoted here is designed to foster a close relationship between the school and community through the participation of all stakeholders. Learning Goals that focus on the achievement and personal development of students and community members are set with and by the stakeholders of the school community rather than for them. They work together to develop Action Strategies to ensure that the Learning Goals are achieved.

It is our belief that this approach to planning develops a wider sense of ownership that leads to a greater determination to achieve the goals through motivated implementation of the strategies. It also carries the potential to raise awareness of what it is possible to achieve when everyone works together towards a common vision, and thus mobilise school communities into action beyond the original scope of their plan.

Commonwealth Secretariat

Designing an appropriate timetable for a multigrade situation can be a challenging task

For the multigrade teacher, however, a well planned timetable is crucial for the efficient use of instructional time, materials and resources. It also set the tone for, and reflects the educational philosophy of, the school.


Teachers should be able to:

  1. List reasons for timetabling;
  2. Identify factors to be considered in designing a timetable, and briefly state how they affect the design;
  3. Discuss different approaches to designing a timetable;
  4. Explain the differences between timetables based on the weekly format and the day format;
  5. Design a timetable for a given situation.
Norlette Leslie - Yeard'e
June 1, 2012

This PowerPoint was presented at the recent workshop, Meeting the Challenge of the Mutigrade Classroom, which was organized by Jamaica Partners for Educational Progress. An overview of the challenges and skills needed for the multigrade classroom are identified in addition to useful strategies for teaching, and classroom logistics.

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