Level I
- Students pursuing a Statistics Minor must complete the Level I pre-requisites for the courses selected at Levels II/III, namely: ECON1004: Mathematics for Social Sciences II and ECON1005: Introduction to Statistics.
Level II & Level III
- ECON2008: Statistical Methods I
- ECON2009: Statistical Methods II
- ECON2014: Sampling Methods for Business and Social Sciences
- Level II/III Statistics Electives
- Level II/III Statistics Electives
For the purpose of selection, the following are considered as Statistics Electives:
- ECON3003: Game Theory
- ECON3037: Operations Research
- ECON3049: Econometrics
- ECON3050: Applied Econometrics
- ECON3040: Non-Parametric Statistics
- SOCI3018: Demography I
- SOCI3021: Demography II
- STAT2001: Inferential Statistics
- STAT2002: Discrete Statistics
- STAT2003: Linear Models
- STAT2004: Multivariate Methods
- STAT3001: Regression Analysis
- STAT3002: Time Series
- STAT3003: Design & Analysis of Experiments
SOCI2008 is not accepted as a prerequisite for any ECON course. Students will have to do ECON2008 or STAT2001