Welcome to the second issue of MSBM Business e-Zine, the online publication of Mona School of Business and Management, of the University of the West Indies, Mona. As with our first issue in June 2020, this issue, continues our examination of some of the uncertainties surrounding the Coronavirus Covid-19 Pandemic as businesses and individuals try to figure out the so-called ‘new normal’ and how to co-exist with it.
Against that background, we have dubbed this issue ,"Rebuilding on a Foundation of Resilience” to focus on the need to rebuild and grow the economy while avoiding the vulnerabilities that have been so cruelly exposed by the Pandemic.
Click on the links below to read our current issue.
Current Issue

December 2020 (pdf version) | December 2020 (Issuu Flipbook version)
Past Issue

June 2020 (pdf version) | June 2020 (Issuu Flipbook version)