This study raised questions about the extent to which an environmental module on bird ecology could influence environmental attitudes of urban Trinidadian elementary students. Research suggests that children’s attitudes to the environment are shaped by multi-sensory, inquiry-driven learning experiences in nature. The author therefore predicted that there was a high probability of students’ environmental attitudes and local bird knowledge increasing after exposure to the module. Twenty-six Grade 4 Trinidadian students in a low-income urban environment were introduced to an eight-week multisensory, interactive module on local bird identification and ecology, which included a one-day field trip to a local nature centre. Students’ environmental attitudes were measured using questionnaires before and after treatment. Data were supplemented with qualitative observations, student interviews, and a participatory mapping exercise. Qualitative data supported questionnaire responses of increased knowledge and pro-environmental attitudes post-treatment. The potential and challenges for introduction of this module into the local elementary system of Trinidad and Tobago are discussed.
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