I agree with Neville Ying about the significance of computer technology. But then I said to Sir Roy Augier, I take it all this is predicated on people being able to read and write. And then Dr. Ying came up with the wonderful technical phrase of numeracy and literacy, and we had to retreat. I was tempted at first to say something about what my colleague Errol Miller has been identified with-gender. Yet I cannot resist remarking how interesting it is that we mere men, our mothers' sons, are the people who are now talking a great deal about "gender imbalance".
Neville Ying has referred to this whole matter of an articulated educational system and the cry for such a system that can take us people in the region from cradle to grave, affording different points of entry and re-entry, and with undiminished capacities for coping with the vicissitudes of human existence. This is a necessary and timely reference. Such vicissitudes, governments and governed both need to remember, constitute not only the acquisition of a job but also the sustaining of employment in times when rapid change in the postindustrial age will guarantee security and tenure to fewer and fewer people who may wish to hold the same job, or remain on the same career path from the time of entry into the work force up to the time of "retirement". That is something of the past. Those of us of an older generation who could indeed enter a "profession" or career and actually retire in it are not likely to see much of that again.
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