Purpose of the Paper
The purpose of this paper is to do the following:
1. To trace the development of two models for training teachers by distance delivery used by the University of the West Indies (Mona) over the past twenty-five years, with special reference to provisions for quality control. The models are the Certificate in Education by distance and the Bachelor of Education in Secondary Education by distance/ summer and on-line.
2. To determine whether face-to-face and distance teaching are comparable in quality through a comparison of the performance of teachers trained by distance to those trained by face-to-face delivery in two courses: (i) Introduction to Cuniculum Theory, Planning and Practice in the Certificate of Education offered via The University of the West Indies Distance Teaching Experiment (UWIDITE) in 1984/5 and (ii) Issues and Perspectives in Education in the B.Ed Secondary Education distance programme offered via UWI Distance Education Centre (UWIDEC) in 2003 / 4. The same lecturer taught both courses.
3. To highlight lessons learnt from (1) and (2) and to point to some challenges for distance education in higher education.
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