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Journal of Education and Development in the Caribbean


Publication Date: 
June 2012

In a journal such as this that includes ‘development’ in its title, it is important that from time to time a6ention is paid to what that word ‘development’ actually means outside of common educational practices. It is a concept that does need some focus as the Caribbean moves forward to introduce a more complex approach to our national and regional preoccupations. One relevant theme which we have not addressed before in approaching the development stance of this journal is that of the Caribbean diaspora. With this issue of the Journal of Education and Development in the Caribbean (JEDIC), we wanted to look at this theme of the Caribbean diaspora and its outcomes because “the history of the Caribbean has been shaped for a number of centuries now by the economic, social and cultural impact of the movement of people across the Atlantic” (Goulbourne and Solomos, 2004, p. 534). That movement, voluntary and involuntary, has been a central part of the Caribbean narrative, as its peoples have traversed the Atlantic for work, education, or simply a be6er life. Consequently, the notion of the Caribbean diaspora has been given wide currency — even as its origins, domain and interpretation have continued to be the subject of multi‐disciplinary research. The fields covered have not only been those in the area of economic research but also in education and cultural studies.

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