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Students' Perceptions of Quality Education in Secondary Schools in the Commonwealth Caribbean: Country, School Type and Gender Differences

SKU: jedic-20-1-2-7

There is a lack of clarity on what quality education means and how it could be achieved. This study examines this question from the perspective of secondary school students in Jamaica and Trinidad. The study also sought to ascertain whether there were significant country, school type and gender differences in the students’ perceptions .A convergent mixed methods design was used for the research.

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Price: Free

Education, Perception, & Migration

SKU: cje-4-1-2-2

The side effects of the educational process, both in its formal and informal structures, are often more important to the child's future th'an the intended effect. This paper examines one of the side effects, the relative preferences a school leaver has for different places familiar to him. Using the methodologies of the geographer, the "mental maps" identified are related to the problem of rural depopulation. The implications for the educational system are assessed.

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Price: Free

Education, Women and Development: The Anomaly of Women's Education in India

SKU: JEDIC-10-1-4

This paper deals with women, education and development in India. It sketches the development in women's education in the current context in India and shows that higher school enrolment has led to better jobs for women, a lower fertility rate and overall benefits in nutrition and health for the family. However, higher education levels have not necessarily translated into higher status for women because societal attitudes are hard to change.The overall question this paper aims to address is: What really matters when evaluating human well-being?

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Price: Free

An Overview of Changes in Jamaica’s Secondary Education System (1879-2017)

SKU: cje-42-1-2

Using a post-colonial lens, this paper describes the changes and constants in Jamaica’s educational system between the 19th and the early 21st century using academic literature and secondary data from the Ministry of Education. High schools initially emerged in Jamaica for the upper and middle classes only, based on the families’ income level, thus excluding children from the lower income bracket. Over time, breaking the glass ceiling for lower-income students became more possible as education included students moving from elementary to high school based on merit.

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Price: Free

Education for All? Exploring Teacher Perspectives on Inclusive Education among Primary Teachers in Trinidad and Tobago


Inclusive, or fair and equitable education, is a widely researched and discussed topic in education. While many strides have been made to address inclusion in education, understanding the phenomenon of teachers’ experiences with the implementation of inclusive educational practices in specific contexts is an important and ongoing area of study. In this phenomenological case study, we explored the experiences of nine primary school teachers in Trinidad (only) regarding inclusive practice. Semi-structured interviews with open questions about inclusive education were used for data collection.

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Price: Free

Black + Woman in Brazil: The Search for Inclusion and Representation

SKU: JEDIC-1701-1

Brazil is said to be one of the most successful racist systems in the world, founded on the exploitation of people, economy, and goods. Hidden behind this success is the notion of “racial democracy,” the ideology that Brazil has harmonious race relations (Guimarães, 2007). Colonization and slavery laid the foundation for what would be a fruitful system of oppression, keeping the elite wealthy and making it seemingly impossible for those who are poor and Black to achieve social mobility.

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Price: Free
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