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Ethnographic Methods: A Qualitative Approach to the Study of Health and Illness in a Rural Community

SKU: JEDIC-11-1-9

This article seeks to examine the unique process of data gathering among a group of socially marginalized individuals, the Obeah men/women, healers and their clients in a selected community in St. Thomas, Jamaica. The broad theoretical framework used for the study is ethnography and so the actual process follows the established rules of this methodology. The Obeah Act of 1898 makes the practice of Obeah illegal and so the research methodology had to take this very important factor into consideration. The data collection process involved three stages of what I termed community insertion.

List price: Free
Price: Free

The Pursuit of Happiness: Black Women, Diasporic Dreams, and the Politics of Emotional Transnationalism by Bianca C. Williams.

SKU: JEDIC-1702-8

From its first few paragraphs, this book compels the reader’s interest.

List price: Free
Price: Free

“What’sApp” with the Social Message? Networked Learning and Social Media Interactions in Curriculum Design: Exploring Student Perceptions

SKU: CJE-40-12

This paper discusses a small scale research study concerned with answering the research question: “What perceptions are held by students regarding networked learning and social media interactions?” This question was part of a wider research focal question: How do digital technologies and digital learning resources mediate Communities of Practice to support participation and learning?

List price: Free
Price: Free
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