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The Nature of History as a Discipline and the Implications for Teaching and Learning

SKU: cje-5-1-2-4

It is the belief of this writer that history would be more appealing to students if the instructor took account of the distinguishing features of its subject matter, and the historian's method in planning, implementing and evaluating history curricula. This article, therefore, attempts to discuss the nature of history as a discipline. The first part deals with the nature of disciplines in general. In the second section, the writer discusses in detail aspects of the content of history as a distinct area of study, and the techniques of the historian.

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Price: Free

General History of the Caribbean. Vol III. The Slave Societies of the Caribbean

SKU: JEDIC-0202-8

After many years of waiting we have at last seen the publication of the first of the six-volume UNESCO series on the History of lhe Caribbean. Though the first to appear in print chronologically, the present volume is the third in terms of the arrangement of the series. It focuses attention on the slave societies of the region and attempts to look at the ways in which this institution affected the various linguistic/colonial groupings.

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Price: Free
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