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teaching strategies

Teaching Strategies Used by Teacher Educators and their Influence on Beginning Teachers' Practice

SKU: JEDIC-9-12-4

This study investigated the expectations of beginnings teachers concerning their instruction, the teaching strategies used by teacher educators and how these strategies influence those which beginning teachers use in their classrooms. The findings revealed that the expectations and needs of beginning teachers are not considered in the programme they are offered. Teacher educators and others decide on the trainees' needs, the curriculum, learning strategies, assessment strategies and the resources to be used.

List price: Free
Price: Free

Pedagogical Beliefs and Choices in Communicative Language Teaching and Grammar Instruction: A Caribbean Focus

SKU: CJE-41-1

Teachers’ pedagogical beliefs and their influence on grammar instruction has long been a controversial issue. For the present study a sample of Caribbean university instructors (n=10) of foreign language were consulted through questionnaires and open-ended interviews to investigate potential links between their fundamental pedagogical beliefs and the teaching strategies they chose to apply as they taught undergraduate students of a foreign language.

List price: Free
Price: Free
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