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Textbook Content and Reading Interests of Jamaican Primary School Children

SKU: CJE-9-3-2

This study proposes a schema for categorising reading interests based on an identification of basic interest and dominant interest(s) among interest elements in reading materials. A methodology which involved making forced choices within thirteen groups of three passages, each with a unique combina-tion of interest elements, was used to ascertain the reading interests of 438 fourth and 412 first grade children in fourteen primary schools in Jamaica. Grade and environmental differences in reading interests were determined by the use of a 2x3 chi-square test.

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Preliminary Comments on Language Arts Textbooks In Use In The Primary Schools of Trinidad And Tobago

SKU: CJE-1-2-2

In Trinidad and Tobago, exposure to the structure of English through written materials has been of special significance, for this has been the chief means by which the language has been learnt. Opportunities for speaking Internationally Acceptable English (I.A.E.) have always been few, and the barriers to successful English language learning have been formidable. In fact, one must accept as true the statement that a high percentage of our language learners hear and attempt to speak I.A.E. in the classroom only, and even then, not during every class.

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Price: Free
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