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Camella Buddo

Problem Solving Within the Mathematics Classroom: Challenges and Recommendations

SKU: jedic-19-2-4

This research (the second part of a 2-part study) sought to investigate selected high school teachers’ knowledge and use of a problem solving approach to mathematics teaching and learning. It also examined the challenges that they experienced in implementing this pedagogical approach. A survey research design was used for this research whereby data were collected using a questionnaire with closed- and open-ended items. Thirty-one high school teachers from Jamaica participated in the study.

List price: Free
Price: Free

A Review of STEM Education and Mathematics Teaching and Learning


“STEM” and “education” are buzz words being circulated in the media, the education sector, private businesses, and government organizations, among other groups. STEM is being recognized as providing the means for improving a country’s economy and social fabric. How therefore, can the education sector facilitate development of the necessary STEM skills in learners? What is the relationship between mathematics and STEM? How can mathematics teaching and learning complement STEM education? What should mathematics classroom practices reflect?

List price: Free
Price: Free

Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) Approach: Exploring Solving Differential Equations in the Learning of Calculus at The University of the West Indies, Mona

SKU: JEDIC-1801-7

Learners have difficulties applying mathematics in the real world. This design–action research explored the heuristics of the Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) approach for learning calculus. Ten in-service student-teachers completed a questionnaire with open-ended and closed-ended items on their experiences in applying Calculus in both decontextualised and contextualised settings. They also completed two assessment worksheets. The data were analysed for themes, and statistical paired t-test for comparison.

List price: Free
Price: Free
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