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Carol N. Granston

ICT in Jamaica's Primary Schools: A Review of the Instructional Technology Subcomponent of PESP


The Information Age is basically defined by the wide-scale availability of various information and communication technology (ICT) tools. As new and emerging ICT tools become more widely used in the society, teachers at all levels of education systems are offered opportunities to harness the powers of these tools in teaching and learning.

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Are Jamaica's Preservice Teachers Prepared to Teach in the 21st-Century Classroom?

SKU: ioeps-4-3

The pervasive use of various technology tools is a characteristic of life in the 21st cen­tury. Computers and related technologies are commonly used in business, industry, and various aspects of the educational system far communication, increasing productivity research, data processing among others. Teachers entering the classroom after completing their training in teachers colleges will find that the blackboard, charts and audio-visual aids such as the television are not the only instructional tools available to them.

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Price: Free

Benefits of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Competency-based Education and Training

SKU: cje-31-1-9

Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) is one aspect of the general education system that focuses specifically on preparing students for employment. The availability of information and communication technology (ICT) tools has significantly changed the needs of students and the demands of the workplace. In order to prepare students to function effectively in a technology-driven work environment, the TVET curricula must be revised to incorporate ICT both as a subject of instruction and as a tool for facilitating instruction.

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