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Dejon Lingo

Evaluation of National Curriculum Strategies for Spanish at the Primary Level in Jamaica

SKU: CJE-41-2

Government policy and curriculum–based programmes usually tend to be challenging to implement and sustain on a large scale. This paper examines the implementation and evaluation of the National Curriculum Strategies for Modern Languages–Spanish at the primary level in Jamaica. This project was undertaken from January–April 2012. For this project, surveys and interviews were used to collect data from 98 students and 6 teachers in primary schools across the island.

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Price: Free

Equally Capable Equally Smart: A Candid Look at Race, Gender and Intelligence in our Society, by Ralford W. Jones

SKU: cje 37-9

Race and intelligence are usually controversial topics and I usually approach articles or books about these topics with caution or apprehension because the debate surrounding these topics seems to be never-ending. Traditional views on intelligence contend that we inherit our intelligence from our genes (nature) or our environment (nurture) while contemporary views about intelligence hold that our cognitive ability is dependent on both nature (genes) and nurture (the environment).

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Price: Free
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