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Yasmeen Yusuf-Khalil

Implicit and Explicit Gender-Based Violence in Caribbean Educational Institutions

SKU: cje-29-1-4

Violence, in all its forms, is associated with hierarchies of power in human relationships which result from divisions based on social organizing structures such as gender, race and class. In most societies, violence is commonly associated with power inequality in relations of gender and with a “normalized” hegemonic masculinity in which, according to Mills (2001) “…boys’ and men’s identities are entwined with their abilities to demonstrate their power over girls and women and also over other boys and men.”

List price: Free
Price: Free

Writing Lesson Plans Factors That Deter Jamaican Teachers

SKU: cje-19-1-8

The complex nature of classroom life requires the teacher to take on a multiplicity of roles, among them that of curriculum planner. This unique professional role requires the teacher not only to select curriculum content and materials to be used in the classroom, but select and use appropriate strategies to help students learn. Skills in planning for effective instruction must therefore form a part of the teacher's repertoire.

List price: Free
Price: Free
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