Charles, C.A.D. (editor) (2015). Perspectives on Caribbean football. London: Hansib Publications
Chapters in books
Peer reviewed
38. Charles, C.A.D. (2016). Skin bleaching, oppression and resistance. In Fight for Freedom: Black Resistance and Identity, Moussa Traore & Tony Talburt (eds.) Accra: Sub-Saharan Publishers.
37. Beckford, O.W. & Charles, C.A.D. (2016). Forms of resistance in the Jamaican Black radical tradition. In Fight for Freedom: Black Resistance and Identity, Moussa Traore & Tony Talburt (eds.) Accra: Sub-Saharan Publishers.
36. Charles, C.A.D. (2015). The process of becoming Black: Leonard Howell and the manifestation of Rastafari. In Leonard Howell and the Genesis of Rastafari. Clinton A. Hutton, Michael A. Barnett, Daive A. Dunkley & Jahlani A.H. Niaah (eds.) Kingston: University of the West Indies Press.
35. Charles, C.A. D. (2015). Introduction. Perspectives on Caribbean Football, Christopher A.D. Charles (ed.), pp. London: Hansib.
34. Charles, C.A. D. (2015). Scrimmage and the destruction of football in the Caribbean. In Perspectives on Caribbean Football, Christopher A.D. Charles (ed.), pp. London: Hansib.
33. Charles, C.A. D. (2015). The way forward. In Perspectives on Caribbean Football, Christopher A.D. Charles (ed.), London: Hansib.
32. Charles, C.A.D. & Wilson, B. (2015). The entrepreneurial experiences of a Jamaican Posse in the Bronx. In Gangs in the Caribbean, Anthony Harriott & Charles Katz (eds.) pp.117-138. Jamaica: University of the West Indies Press.
31. Charles, C.A.D. (2009). Counter society concept as a heuristic to analyze violence: The 2006
Hezbollah-Israel war. In, Terrorism and global insecurity: Multidisciplinary perspectives, K. Alexander (ed.) (pp.101-124). New York: Linton Atlantic Books.
Non-peer reviewed
30. Charles, C.A.D. (2007). Business ethics in Jamaica and the problem of extortion by counter Societies. In Ethical perspectives for Caribbean businesses, N. M. Cowell, A. Campbell, G. Chen & S. Moore (eds.), (pp.95-119). Kingston: Arawak Publications.
29. Charles, C.A.D. (2012). Skin bleaching: The complexion of identity, beauty, and fashion. In Meanings of Dress, K. Miller-Spillman, A. Reilly & P. Hunt-Hurst (ed.), pp.254-161, 3rd edition. New York: Fairchild Books.
Journal Articles
Non-peer reviewed
28. Charles, C.A.D. (2016). Opportunities or challenges for the Caribbean after Brexit? The Round Table: The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs (ahead of print)
Peer reviewed
27. Charles, C.A.D. & Reid, G.S. O. (2016). Forecasting the 2016 General Election in Jamaica. Commonwealth and Comparative Politics (ahead of print)
26. Charles, C.A.D. & Maras, M.H. (2015). Strengthening counterterrorism from the information of a successful terrorist attack and failed missions in the United States. Journal of Applied Security Research, 10, 155–180.
25. Kennedy-Kollar, D.& Charles, C.A.D. (2012). Hegemonic masculinity and mass murderers in the United States. Southwest Journal of Criminal Justice, 8, 62-74.
24. Charles, C.A.D. & Beckford, O. (2012). The informal justice system in garrison constituencies. Social and Economic Studies, 61,51-72.
23. Charles, C.A.D. (2010). Representations of extortion in Jamaican newspapers, Caribbean
Journal of Criminology and Public Safety, 15, 75-102.
22. Charles, C.A.D. (2010). The reintegration of criminal deportees in society, Dialectical
Anthropology, 34,501–511. DOI: 10.1007/s10624-010-9205-7
21. Charles, C.A.D. (2009). “Violence, musical identity, and the celebrity of the Spanglers Crew in
Jamaica.” Wadabagei: A Journal of the Caribbean and its Diaspora, 12, 52-79.
20. Charles, C.A.D. (2004). Political identity and criminal violence in Jamaica: The garrison community of August Town and the 2002 Election. Social and Economic Studies, 53, 31-74
19. Charles, C. (2002). Garrison communities as counter societies: The case of the 1998 Zeeks' Riot in Jamaica. Ideaz, 1, 30-43.
18. Charles, C.A.D. (2010). Newspaper representations of Simpson-Miller’s parliamentary
abstention and Westminster politics in Jamaica. Ideaz,8, 25-50.
17. Charles, C.A.D. (2007). An analysis of the type and content of TV ads in the 2002 Jamaican
General Election. Caribbean Quarterly, 53, 1-15.
16. Charles, C.A.D. (2006). The psychology of music and electioneering in the 2002 Jamaican
Election. Social and Economic Studies, 55,133-166.
15. Charles, C.A.D. Skin bleaching. (2012). Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology, Springer.
14. Blay, Y. A. & Charles, C.A.D. (2011). Editorial: Skin bleaching and global White supremacy.
Journal of Pan African Studies, 4,1-3.
13. Charles, C.A.D. (2011). The derogatory representations of the skin bleaching products sold in
Harlem. Journal of Pan African Studies, 4, 117-141.
12. Charles, C.A.D. (2010). Skin bleaching in Jamaica: Self-esteem, racial self-esteem and black identity transactions. Caribbean Journal of Psychology, 3, 25-39.
11. Charles, C.A.D. (2009). Liberating skin bleachers: From mental pathology to complex personhood. Jenda: A Journal of Culture and African Woman Studies, 14, 86-100.
10. Charles, C.A.D. (2009). Skin bleachers’ representation of skin color in Jamaica. Journal of
Black Studies, 40, 153-170.
9. Charles, C.A.D. (2003). Skin bleaching, self-hate and black identity in Jamaica. Journal of
Black Studies, 33, 711-728.
8. Charles, C.A.D. (2003). Skin bleaching and the deconstruction of blackness. Ideaz, 2, 42-54.
7. Charles, C.A.D. (2010). Skin bleaching in Jamaica: Self-esteem, racial self-esteem and black identity transactions. Caribbean Journal of Psychology, 3, 25-39.
6. Charles, C.A.D. (2011). Skin bleaching and the prestige complexion of sexual attraction.
Sexuality and Culture, 15, 375-390. DOI: 10.1007/s12119-011-9107-0.
5. Charles, C.A.D. (2011). Representations of homosexuality in Jamaica. Social and Economic
Studies, 60, 3-30.
4. Charles, C.A.D. (2012). Newspaper representations of the debates in the 2007 Jamaican
General Election campaign. Bulletin of Latin American Research. 31, 285-301.
Book Reviews peer reviewed
3. Charles, C.A.D. (2013). Agency of the enslaved. Jamaica Journal
2. Charles, C.A.D. (2011). Man vibes and masculine identity in Jamaican music. Review of Donna Hope’s Man Vibes: Masculinities in the Jamaican Dancehall, Caribbean Quarterly, 57, 120-122.
1. Charles, C.A.D. (2009). Modern blackness in Jamaica. Review of Deborah A. Thomas’ Modern blackness: Nationalism, globalization and the politics of culture in Jamaica. Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies, 4,215-217.