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(Year Long – 6 Credits)

The internship is a new, exciting, practical and compulsory programme for all students entering the Public Sector Management Major in 2009. The internship, usually taken in the summer over six weeks, provides a student with the opportunity to participate in and observe, as a full‐time working member of the staff, the daily administrative or policy‐related activities of a ministry, agency or department of the Government of Jamaica. The internship is a learning situation structured along two streams based on the student's prior experience in the public sector and involves the intern, the agency supervisor, and the faculty supervisor. It provides an opportunity for a student to use the skills and experience gained during the first two years of his or her academic program in a way that is mutually beneficial to the student and the agency, and a learning experience for the student which will enhance his or her potential for either entry into or advancement into the public sector. Adequate supervision, educational assignments, and practical benefit to the agency and student comprise the core < methodological considerations in the internship.

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