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Sites that help with Academics and Study skills

The Study Guides and Strategies Website

This website has extensive information on how to study successfully. Broad areas covered include: Learning/studying; Time/project management; Reading/research; Writing; Memorizing/testing ; Workplace; Math and Science; Exercises/games. Each of these areas has many detailed pages with information broken down into several sub-topics.

A site to Promote Academic Success

This website gives a sampling of sites that provide tips to explore your learning style, help manage  time, take better notes, study more effectively, work on  memory, take tests, and handle the stresses of college life.

Palgrave’s Study Skills website

This is a website put out by book publishers with an extensive amount of information on study skills and succeeding at college.  The website does encourage you to buy the publishers’ books but there is a lot of useful free information on the site. Some topics covered include: 

Effective study strategies; Reading strategies; Research strategies; Memory; Motivation;  Your learning style; Organisational skills; Time management; IT Skills for successful study; Presentation skills;  Working with others; Essay writing: Referencing and plagiarism; Thinking; Personal development planning; Making the right choices; Socialising; Extra-curricular activity; Finance; Evaluating your work and Planning your future.  The site also has sections for postgraduate and mature students and gives tips for specific subject areas.

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