R. Biholar (2022), ‘Reparations for Chattel Slavery: A Call From the ‘Periphery’ to Decolonise International (Human Rights) Law’, Nordic Journal of Human Rights, 40:1, 64-95, DOI: 10.1080/18918131.2022.2082042.
R. Biholar and Sha-Shana Crichton (2021), ‘Forging Cross-border Connections through Scholarly Writing’, Nova Law Review, Vol.45, 303- 327.
R. Biholar (2020), ‘The Right to Development: “the Alpha and Omega of Rights”’, Journal of Law, Governance and Society (JLGS), Vol. 4, 12- 29.
R. Biholar (2017), ‘”Being seen, but not heard?”: The Principle of Children Participation under CRC’, Journal of Law, Governance and Society (JLGS), Vols. 1&2, 54-62.
R. Biholar (2016), ‘Deinstitutionalizing Gender Stereotypes: Breaking the Glass Ceiling’, Jamaica Bar Association (JAMBAR), November 18-20, 2016.
R. Biholar (2014), ‘From women’s rights in the books to women’s rights as lived realities. Can the disconnect be mended?’, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Mensenrechten (Dutch Journal of Human Rights), 39 (5), NTM/NJCM-bull. 2014/40, 572-587.
R. Biholar (2014), ‘Challenging the Barriers to Real Equality: Transformative Equality’, Parliamentarians for the Americas (ParlAmericas) ‘Moving from Formal to Substantive Equality’, June 24-25, 2014.
R. Biholar (2010), ‘Cultural Defence in Criminal Cases’, in Rikki Holtmaat & Ineke Boerefijn (eds.), SIM Special: Women’s Human Rights and Culture/Religion/Tradition: International Standards as Guidelines for the Discussion?, (32), Netherlands Institute of Human Rights: Utrecht, 147-151.
R. Biholar (2008), ‘EUROJUST – Fighting organized cross-border crime in Europe’, Newsletter School of Human Rights Research, 12(4).