What are matriculation requirements for the Faculty of Law?

Candidates must possess a minimum of five (5) CSEC, including two (2) 2-Unit CAPE subjects; or a First Degree with a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0 and above. Please note there are NO special subject requirements in addition to those necessary for Matriculation. Candidates with a first degree (First or Upper Second Class Honours) may request to be considered for Direct Entry to Part II of the LLB programme, by putting their request in writing to the Dean.
The competition for places in the Faculty is such that very high CAPE scores and averages in undergraduate degrees are required for an applicant to stand a reasonable chance of gaining admission.
Is this Law programme the same as the one offered at Cave Hill Campus?
Yes. The content and the examination are identical. The only difference is the fee structure.
What is the duration of the Bachelor of Laws (LLB) Programme
The Full-Time programme is for three (3) years while the Part-Time programme is for five (5) to six (6) years. Direct Entry, however, is a Full-Time, two-year programme.
What is the name of the degree I will receive at the end of the programme?
Does this degree qualify me for entry to the Norman Manley Law School?
What is the cost of the Programme?
The tuition fee is US$10,000 per Academic Year for those in the Full-Time programme while Part-Time students pay US$1,100 per three-credit course.
Are there scholarships/bursaries available?
Students in the Faculty will be eligible for scholarships and bursaries available at The University. In some cases, students will have to compete with students of other Faculties for general University awards. A list of scholarships/bursaries available may be obtained from the Office of Student Financing at https://www.mona.uwi.edu/osf/scholarships-and-bursaries.
How do I apply for the scholarships/bursaries?
Application information is available from the office of Student Financing. http://mona.uwi.edu/osf.
What are the payment options available, if any?
All fees are due and payable by the beginning of the academic year and may be paid on a semester basis. Individuals who are unable to make payments by the stipulated date may apply online, for consideration for installment plans, using the Bursary Online Student System (BOSS) at https://apps.mona.uwi.edu/bursary/admin/login.php.
Am I eligible for a student loan from the Students’ Loan Bureau (SLB)?
All students are eligible to apply for the SLB loan. However, the SLB does not cover all the tuition for Full-Fee paying MonaLaw students. Successful loan applicants will be advised by the SLB of the percentage to be covered.
Am I eligible for accommodation on Campus?
Yes; applications for accommodation in the Halls of Residence should be submitted with your online application or via the Admissions portal.
May I request Leave of Absence (LOA) from the LLB programme?
Yes, except for the first semester of Year 1. New students, in recognizing that they would not be able to continue in the programme, may request a deferral or reject the offer of admission through the Admissions Portal.
Will I be able to participate in student activities if enrolled in the LL.B programme offered at Mona?
Yes. Included in the miscellaneous fees are a small hall attachment fee, Guild of Undergraduate membership fees and a small fee for access to UWI transportation on and off campus. You will also be eligible to participate in the various clubs and societies on Campus.
What do I do if I am absent from an examination due to medical reasons?
You must visit the University Health Centre at the earliest possible time. After you have been attended to by a Medical Practitioner, information regarding the courses, classes or exams missed, will be sent to the Examinations Section from the Health Centre. However, if you visit a private practitioner, you should ensure that a medical report is submitted to The University Health Centre within seven (7) days so that the relevant checks can be made.
How do I access the Booklist?
The list of prescribed and recommended texts are posted on the Notice Boards within the Faculty, and on the Faculty’s website. Students may also be informed in their respective lectures of the texts to be used for the particular course.
Are courses offered in the summer?
The Faculty presently does not have summer classes, however, Supplemental Examinations are offered (usually in the final 2 - 3 weeks of July) for students who failed courses during Semesters I and II of the current Academic Year (subject to the approval of the Dean).
Can I participate in the ‘Study-Abroad’ Programme?
Yes. MonaLaw students can participate in the Study Abroad/Student Exchange programme for a Semester or Academic Year during Level II and Semester I of Level III. Please visit the International Students Office (ISO) website at https://www.mona.uwi.edu/iso/ for information on participating Universities.
Whom do I contact if I require academic information or assistance?
You should contact the Faculty of Law Office at 927-1855, 977-4860, 702-4392 or email: monalaw@uwimona.edu.jm.
Whom do I contact if I need registration information?
You are to contact the Student Records Unit at 927-1660-9 or 935-8490,
WhatsApp number 876-890-6686 for text messages only