Date | Universities/Institutions |
Oct 16 2000 |
Agreement for Academic Exchange between Grand Valley State University, Allendale, Michigan, USA and the University of the West Indies |
Oct 5 2000 |
Amendment to the Agreement signed 7 June, 1996 between the Institute of Political Studies (IEP), France and the University of the West Indies, Mona |
Oct 3 2000 |
Protocol of Cooperative Agreement to the Exchange of Students between the University of Georgia and the University of the West Indies |
Aug 30 2000 |
Collaborative Academic Agreement between the University of the West Indies and The College of the Bahamas (In relation to the offering of the UWI LL.B Programme at The College of the Bahamas) |
Aug 5 2000 |
Collaborative Academic Agreement between the University of the West Indies and York University |
Jul 28 2000 |
Development Programme for Literacy Education Staff, Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Education and Culture and The Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan, and the University of the West Indies, Mona |
Jul 26 2000 |
Collaborative Agreement with The University of the West Indies and the Dutch Overseas Contributing Territories (participation of the Dutch OCT in the Masters in Tourism and Hospitality Management Programme) |
Jul 13 2000 |
Memorandum of Understanding between Jamaica Public Service Company Limited and University of the West Indies (Msc. Energy Systems 2000-2002) |
Apr 4 2000 |
Collaborative Academic Agreement between the University of the West Indies and Medgar Evers College of the City University of New York |
Mar 6 2000 |
Student Exchange Agreement between Universiti Sains Malaysia and the University of the West Indies |
Feb 16 2000 |
Collaborative Agreement between The Colombian Institute for the Development of Higher Education |
Feb 16 2000 |
Agreement of Cooperation between Fundacion Universidad Del Norte and the University |
Feb 16 2000 |
Agreement of Cooperation between Fundacion Universidad Del Norte and the University |
Feb 12 2000 |
Memorandum of Understanding between Timeless Herbal Care Ltd. and the University of The West Indies |
Jan 25 2000 |
Memorandum of Agreement between The Jacob Gelt Dekker Institute For Advanced Cultural Studies, Netherlands Antilles and the University of the West Indies |
Dec 14 1999 |
General Agreement of Academic Cooperation between The University of the West Indies and The University of South Florida |
Dec 7 1999 |
Memorandum of Understanding for Institutional Co-operation between the University of the West Indies and the Caribbean Community Secretariat |
Nov 22 1999 |
Memorandum of Understanding for the Exchange of Students between the University of the West Indies and the University of Toronto |
Nov 22 1999 |
Memorandum of Understanding between the University of Toronto and the University of the West Indies |
Nov 3 1999 |
Memorandum of Understanding between University of the West Indies, St Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago and Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada |
Sep 14 1999 |
Memorandum of Understanding with the Institute of Political Science of the University of Chile and the Latin American-Caribbean Centre of UWI and the Faculty of Social Sciences, UWI, Mona |
Sep 10 1999 |
Agreement for Education Cooperation between The University of the West Indies, Mona, and Michigan State University |
Aug 19 1999 |
General Cooperation Agreement between The University of the West Indies and The Florida State University |
Aug 17 1999 |
General Cooperation Agreement between The University of the West Indies and The Florida State University |
Jul 20 1999 |
Protocol of Cooperative Agreement to The Exchange of Students between The University of South Pacific and The University of the West Indies |
Jul 17 1999 |
Memorandum of Understanding between Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA, and the University of the West Indies, St Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago |
Jul 12 1999 |
Student Exchange Agreement between The University of the West Indies and The Pennsylvania State University |
Jul 3 1999 |
Memorandum of Understanding between the Commonwealth Youth Programme (“CYP”) and the University of the West Indies |
Jun 30 1999 |
Development Programme for Literacy Education Staff - Memorandum of |
Jun 27 1999 |
Collaborative Academic Agreement between the University of the West Indies and State University of Bahia (Renewal of Agreement - June 12, 2002) |