Enterprise Risk Management
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) enables an entity to determine its overall risk appetite, and to incorporate policies and procedures that manage risk exposure within such an appetite. The result is a more robust risk management framework, which, for a public sector entity, increases cost-effectiveness that is as important as profit-maximization for the private firm.
The purpose of the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) course is to familiarise professionals in the Public and Private Sectors with the globally applicable frameworks, concepts, tools and techniques of ERM. This Course is intensive and builds on the notion that creating and protecting enterprise value requires effective corporate governance structures that support the proactive identification and management of risks related to the Mission, Strategy, Objectives, Structure and Performance of the enterprise. To this end, the conceptual theme that drives this Course is the ability of participants to critically and systematically identify enterprise-wide risk and to manage those risks to be within the risk appetite of the organization. This Course offers participants the opportunity to develop a general risk management perspective by combining their knowledge of specific strategic, operating, reporting, and compliance functions with an appreciation for the need to integrate all functions within a coherent whole. This Course seeks to develop skills in total enterprise-wide risk management and takes a global perspective on recognizing risks in the current and future environments in which organizations operate.
“This was a great course, my skills in total enterprise-wide risk management were definitely sharpened.” - Enterprise Risk Management programme participant.
Contact us
For more information or to have a programme customized for your organization, please contact:
(876) 977-6035 Ext. 372 | msbm-psu@uwimona.edu.jm